18.सांसदों के खेल
18.सांसदों के खेल
मंत्रालय के सचिव का दायित्व संभालते ही
मेरे सामने बड़ी चुनौती थी, देश में कोयले की कमी को
पूरा करना। तापीय संयंत्रों में कोयले के अभाव ही वजह से हाहाकार मचा हुआ था। इस
समस्या का समाधान करने के लिए मैंने
सभी कोल कंपनियों के अध्यक्षों की एक बैठक बुलाई,ताकि कोयले की आपूर्ति हेतु
कोई ठोस रणनीति बनाई जा सके।बीसीसीएल
और सीसीएल में बहुत सारे छोटे और छिछले डिपोजिट थे। बैठक में एक सुझाव यह आया कि अगर इन छोटे-छोटे डिपोजिटों को खुली बोली के माध्यम
प्राइवेट ठेकेदारों को दे दिया जाता है तो कोल इंडिया को छोटे-छोटे उपकरणों की
खरीददारी में निवेश नहीँ करना पड़ेगा और प्राइवेट ठेकेदार कम समय में यह कोयला निकालकर सीआईएल को दे देंगे। दो
डिपॉजिट के लिए खुली बोली द्वारा ठेकेदार निश्चित किए गए। एक सुबह इन खदानों का काम शुरू होने के बाद धनबाद के
कांग्रेस के सांसद श्री चन्द्रशेखर दूबे का मेरे पास फोन आया। श्री दूबे कोयला
मंत्री संसदीय समिति के सदस्य थे। हमारी फोन पर जो बातचीत हुई वह इस प्रकार से थी
दूबे - सेक्रेटरी जी, मेरी इजाजत के बिना अपने बीसीसीएल मे आऊटसोर्सिंग के
आदेश कैसे दे दिए?
मैं- दूबे जी, यह कंपनी के हित में बोर्ड ऑफ डायरेक्टर का फैसला है।
मंत्रालय की इसमें कोई भूमिका नहीँ
दूबे - नहीँ, मुझे बताया गया है कि यह आपका निर्णय है।
मैं - यह सीआईएल का निर्णय है, जिससे
मैं सहमत हूँ।
दूबे - मगर मेरी जानकारी के बिना सीआईएल यह निर्णय
कैसे ले सकती है? मैं इस क्षेत्र का सांसद
मैं - दूबे जी, यह कंपनी के प्रबंधन का निर्णय है। वे एरिया के सांसद
को क्यों पूछेंगे? मैंने भी स्टेट लेवल की कई
कंपनियों को संभाला है। मैंने कभी भी एम.एल.ए. और एस.पी. से नहीँ पूछा कि कंपनी
कैसे चलाई जाए?
दूबे - ऐसा आपके आंध्रप्रदेश में हो सकता है। हमारे
झारखंड में ऐसा नहीँ होता है। यहाँ का पत्ता भी हिलता है तो हमारी मर्जी से। मैं
चाहता हूँ कि तुरंत आऊट सोर्सिंग बंद करें, अन्यथा मैं बंद कर दूँगा।
यह थी कोयला मंत्रालय के सेक्रेटरी यानि मेरी धनबाद
के सांसद चंद्र शेखर दूबे की टेलीफोनिक बातचीत। कितने अहंकार और धमकी भरे शब्द थे
दूबे के! क्या प्रशासन इतना निकम्मा हो चुका था कि ऐसे धमकी देने वाले सांसदों के खिलाफ कोई कारवाई नहीं की जा
सकती? बात एकदम सही थी। अपनी जुबान
के अनुसार दूबे के समर्थकों ने दूसरे दिन खदान का काम बंद करवा दिया। बीसीसीएल के
सीएमडी भट्टाचार्य ने मुझे बताया कि दूबे के समर्थक ठेकेदारों के कामगारों को भीतर
नहीँ जाने दे रहे हैं।
मैंने झारखंड के मुख्य सचिव श्री शर्मा से बातचीत की
और कहा कि जिलाधीश को आप निर्देश दें कि ठेकेदार के आदमी काम कर सकें। मगर मुख्य
सचिव से बातचीत करने का कोई फायदा नहीँ हुआ। खदान का काम ऐसे ही बंद रहा, जिलाधीश भी कुछ नहीँ करवा पाए। उल्टा, धमकी भरे लहजे में श्री दूबे ने
मुझे फोन किया और बोले, ‘‘सेक्रेटरी जी, मैंने काम बंद करवा दिया है। मुख्य सचिव को बोलने से
कोई फायदा नहीँ है। झारखंड में न
तो मुख्य सचिव की चलती है और न ही जिला मजिस्ट्रेट मेरे आदमियों का वहाँ से हटा
सकता है।’’
आप समझ गए होंगे कितने खूँखार गुण्डे पाल रखे होंगे
दूबे जी ने। जब जिला-प्रशासन और राज्य-प्रशासन ही असक्षम हैं उन्हें संभालने में
तो सीआईएल प्रबंधन क्या कर सकता था? मैंने पहली बार अनुभव किया कि झारखंड
में सिविल सर्विस का कोई भी अधिकारी, चाहे वह कितना
भी सीनियर क्यों न हो, कोयला माफियाओं से टक्कर नहीँ ले सकता।
दूबे जी कि जिद्द के आगे किसी की नहीँ चली। दो-तीन
हफ्तों तक खदानें बंद रही। बहुत सारा कोकिंग कोल जल कर बर्बाद हो
गया। मुझे रह-रहकर अपने कलेक्टर वाले दिन याद आने लगे। क्या आंध्रप्रदेश में ऐसा
कभी हो सकता था? ऐसे मामलों को निपटने के लिए
कलेक्टर की शक्तियाँ ही पर्याप्त होती थी। जबकि झारखंड में एक अड़ियल सांसद और उसकी
इतनी हिम्मत? राज्य का मुख्य सचिव भी उसके
सामने बौना पड़ रहा था।
बहुत समय से
बीसीसीएल में अवैध कब्जेदारों ने मकान दबाए हुए थे। न केवल अवैध कब्जा, बल्कि बीसीसीएल के कर्मचारियों की तरह उन्हें सारी
सुविधाएँ मिलती थी जैसे फ्री बिजली, पानी आदि। कोयला माफियाओं और राजनैतिक संरक्षण मिलने
के कारण कंपनी उन्हें खाली नहीँ करवा पा रही थी। दूबे जी को भी बीसीसीएल का एक
मकान चाहिए था। दूबे जी सांसद थे, यह क्या कम
था मकान पाने के लिए? मगर श्री भट्टाचार्य ने उनका यह अनुरोध अस्वीकार कर दिया।
बुरी तरह से खफा हो गए दूबे जी। भट्टाचार्य को
बेइज्जत करना और उनके खिलाफ झूठे आरोप लगाना शुरू कर दिया उन्होंने। देखते-देखते
दूबे अवैध कब्जेदारों का संरक्षक बन गया। सीएमडी भट्टाचार्य ने मुझे दूबे की सारी
गतिविधियों एवं उनकी अवैध मांगों के बारे में पत्र लिखा (परिशिष्ट 18-1)। यह पत्र पढ़कर आप आराम से इस निष्कर्ष पर पहुँच
जाएँगे कि किस तरह एक सांसद अपने आपको कानून के ऊपर समझने लगता है।
दूबे जी का ही नहीँ, भारत के हर कोने में यही हाल है।सरकार लाचार है, असमर्थ है कानून व्यवस्था लागू करने में।
हर स्तर
पर निर्वाचित प्रतिनिधि
कांट्रेक्ट मैनेजमेन्ट में दखलंदाजी करने लगे हैं। सरकार के
कामों में ही नहीँ, सरकारी उपक्रमों में ही नहीँ, वरन् प्राइवेट कंपनियों में भी अनवरत हस्तक्षेप करने
लगे हैं। ये प्रतिनिधिगण सब हफ्ता वसूल करने वाले बन गए हैं। अपराध और समानांतर
इकोनोमी में उनकी अहम भूमिका रहती है।
धनबाद में कलेक्टर और पुलिस अधीक्षक को भी अपना अस्तित्व
बचाने के लिए कोयला माफियाओं और उनके राजनैतिक संरक्षकों से समझौता करना पड़ता है।
रिटायर होने के बाद मुझे एक अंडर
ग्राउंड खान में हुई दुर्घटना की इंक्वारी के सिलसिले में धनबाद जाना पड़ा था। पता चला कि
कलेक्टर का दूबे जी के साथ युद्ध चल रहा था। एक दिन दूबे जी ने कलेक्टर के ऑफिस पर ताला लगा दिया। कलेक्टर के ऑफिस पर ताला? कितनी बड़ी बात थी? यह तो साफ-साफ कानून का उल्लंघन था। उन्हें तुरंत गिरफ्तार किया जाना चाहिए था। मगर हुआ क्या? उसकी गिरफ्तारी के बदले में कलेक्टर का तबादला कर
दिया गया। अब सोचिए, यह है हमारा जिला प्रशासन, जो खुद ही
सुरक्षित नहीँ रह पाता है तो
दूसरों को क्या सुरक्षा प्रदान करेगा? वे दिन अब लद गए, जब पुराने जमाने में मुख्यमंत्री अपने अधिकारियों
का बचाव करते थे। मधु कोड़ा जैसे मुख्यमंत्री से कोई कलेक्टर या पुलिस अधीक्षक यह आशा लगाए कि कोयला माफियाओं
से टक्कर लेने में वह उसे बचाएगा तो यह सोचना निरर्थक है।
बीसीसीएल में ई-ऑक्शन की सफलता ने कोयला
माफियाओं को पूरी तरह परेशान कर दिया था। अगर ई-ऑक्शन कोल इंडिया की सारी कंपनियों
में फैल गया तो माफियाओं और
उनके राजनैतिक संरक्षकों के लिए अवैध आय वसूलना
मुश्किल हो जाएगा। कोयला माफियाओं में मची खलबली के कारण मुझे मंत्रालय से हटाने
की कोशिश की जाने लगी। दूबे जी मुझसे खफा
थे क्योंकि बीसीसीएल के सीएमडी को मैं कंपनी के कामों में स्वच्छता लाने के लिए
भरपूर सहयोग कर रहा था। दूबे जी ने
नवंबर की शुरूआत में प्रधानमंत्री
को पत्र लिखा कि स्विस बैंक में मेरा एकांउट है और बीच-बीच में मैं स्विट्जरलैंड
जाता रहता हूँ (परिशिष्ट 18-2)। सीबीआई या संसदीय समिति
मेरे संदिग्ध कारनामों की जाँच करे। ये हैं हमारे सांसद, कुछ अच्छा काम करने जाओ तो आपके पीछे ऐसे लगते हैं
जैसे किसी अरण्य में विक्रमादित्य के पीछे वेताल। (परिशिष्ट 18-3) ।
दूबे जी के पत्र के जवाब में कैबिनेट सचिव को स्पष्ट शब्दों में मैंने लिखा कि आप
सीबीआई या अन्य एजेंसी द्वारा जाँच करवाएँ, किन्तु यदि आरोप सत्य नहीँ पाए जाते हैं तो दूबे को कानूनन खामियाजा भुगतना होगा,क्योंकि भारतीय प्रशासनिक सेवा के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी
की इज्जत का सवाल है। मैंने उनसे यह
भी गुजारिश की कि दूबे के अनुचित व्यवहार को उचित
कार्यवाही के लिए लोकसभा के स्पीकर के ध्यान में भी लाया जाए।
दूबे का पत्र अभी थमा ही नहीँ था कि एक सांसद
गिरधारी यादव ने भी ऐसा ही एक पत्र लिखा। केवल दूबे और गिरधारी लाल ही ऐसे सांसद नहीँ हैं, वरन् बहुत सारे ऐसे सांसद है जो अपनी अवैध मांगों की
पूर्ति न होने पर सरकारी उपक्रमों एवं प्रशासनिक अधिकारियों को परेशान करते रहते
दूसरा उदाहरण लीजिए, सांसद फुरकन अंसारी का, (परिशिष्ट 18-7) जो सीसीसल के सीमएडी श्री आर.पी. रितौलिया के पीछे
लगे हुए थे। उनकी मांग थी कि जामतारा क्षेत्र के सौ मुसलमानों को सीसीएल में नौकरी देने की। जब सीएमडी ने ऐसा करने से मना कर दिया तो उनके विरुद्ध झूठी शिकायत
दूबे व अंसारी ने मिलकर
प्रधानमंत्री से की। प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय ने आवश्यक जाँचकर असत्य पाया और मुझे सलाह दी गई कि अंसारी को उचित तरीके से सूचित कर दिया जाए।
बात यहीं खत्म नहीँ होती है। बात चल रही थी सांसदों
की, सांसदों के खेल के बारे में।
सांसदों से ऊपर वाले लोग भी क्या अच्छे होते हैं?
वे लोग भी जब चाहे अपनी गंदी जुबान का प्रयोग करते
हैं। उदाहरण के तौर पर श्री अनंत कुमार कोयला और स्टील की स्टैडिंग
कमेटी के चेयरमैन थे। अपने किसी सगे संबंधी अधिकारी का सीआईएल में कहीँ ट्रांसफर
करवाना चाहते थे। काम नहीँ करने पर सीआईएल चेयरमैन के लिए जिस बदजुबान का उन्होंने
प्रयोग किया, वह आपकी सोच से भी परे होगा
‘‘सीआईएल चेयरमैन और एमसीएल सीएमडी का ऐसा व्यवहार
बर्दाश्त नहीँ किया जाएगा, मेरी पार्टी बीजेपी देखेगी
कि वे अपनी भूल स्वीकार करें और राजनेताओं का महत्त्व समझें। अगर साहा का अनुरोध नहीँ माना गया तो एक दिन चेयरमैन को पछताना
पड़ेगा। शशि कुमार को मैं उनके अंतिम दस महीनों में ऐसा सबक सिखाऊंगा कि छठी का
दूध याद आ जाएगा।’’
शशि कुमार का यह पत्र (परिशिष्ट 18-8) साफ दर्शाता है कि राजनेता किस तरह अपना काम निकलवाना
चाहते है? दादागिरी के बल पर पीएसयू के
अधिकारियों के साथ दुर्व्यवहार कर? श्री अनंत कुमार कभी मंत्री रह चुके थे। वह यह बात
शायद भूल गए कि सरकारी उपक्रमों और प्रशासनिक अधिकारियों की अपनी सेवाओं के विषय में राजनैतिक प्रभाव डालना आचार संहिता
का उल्लंघन होता है। श्री साहा का कोलकाता से स्थानांतरण रुकवाने के लिए वह कदाचार को बढ़ावा दे रहे थे। वह तो
यह भी भूल गए कि वह संसदीय स्थायी समिति के चेयरमैन है।
उनसे कम से कम सच्चे और उदार व्यवहार की उम्मीद की जा सकती थी। शायद उनकी यह सोच थी कि इस समिति के चेयरमैन होने के नाते वह सीआईएल चेयरमैन को आदेश दे सकते है और अगर वह उनके
आदेश को नहीँ मानता है तो उसे बुरे परिणामों के लिए धमकाया जा सकता है। मैंने
राज्यमंत्री (कोयला) के द्वारा श्री अनंत कुमार के खिलाफ उचित कार्यवाही करने के लिए
प्रधानमंत्री को एक नोट भेजा (परिशिष्ट 18-9)। यह मुझे मालूम नहीँ, उन्होंने वह नोट प्रधानमंत्री को भेजा अथवा नहीँ।
जब सोरेन ने दूसरी बार कोयला मंत्री के पद से इस्तीफा
दिया तो मैंने मौके का फायदा उठाकर प्रधानमंत्री की सहमति से सारी कोयला कंपनियों
में ई-ऑक्शन लागू करवा दिया। एमसीएल में ई-ऑक्शन का नोटिफिकेशन निकलने के बाद
तालचेर कोयलांचल के बीजेपी सांसद धर्मेन्द्र प्रधान कुछ नॉन-कोर ग्राहकों को नोटिफाइड मूल्य पर कोयला दिलवाने हेतु
मेरे पास आए। मैंने उन्हें समझाया कि
आक्शन का नोटिफिकेशन जारी होने के बाद किसी को भी नोटिफ़ाइड मूल्य पर कोयला नहीं
दिया जा सकता।श्री प्रधान नाखुश हो गए। ई-ऑक्शन ने कोल बेल्ट में कालेधन के प्रवाह को काफी हद तक रोक दिया था।
अपना गुस्सा उतारने के लिए श्री
प्रधान ने मंत्रालय की संसदीय सलाहकार
समिति का सहारा लिया। अगस्त की शुरूआत में जब इस बैठक का आयोजन किया गया, तब धर्मेन्द्र प्रधान अपना आपा खो बैठे। उन्होंने मेरे ऊपर कुछ भद्दे कमेंट किए। राज्यमंत्री इस बैठक की अध्यक्षता कर रहे थे, उन्हें टोकने
के अपना विष-वमन जारी रखने दिया।
कोल सेक्टर में सुधार करने हेतु लगातार भीतर-बाहर से
विरोध झेलने के बाद भी मैं लगातार काम में लगा रहा। इसके के बावजूद जब एक सांसद मेरे ऊपर घटिया कमेंट करते है और कोयला
राज्यमंत्री मूकदर्शक बन कर बैठे रहते है तो मेरे लिए इससे बड़ी निराशा और क्या हो सकती थी। दूसरे ही दिन मैंने तत्काल प्रभाव से स्वैच्छिक
सेवानिवृत्ति के लिए कैबिनेट सेक्रेटरी बी.के. चतुर्वेदी को एक पत्र लिखा,जिसके मुख्य अंश निम्न है(परिशिष्ट 18-10) :-
‘‘5 अगस्त 2005 शुक्रवार को कोयला मंत्रालय की सलाहकार समिति की बैठक
में ओड़िशा के सांसद धर्मेन्द्र प्रधान के व्यवहार से मुझे ऐसा लगता है कि किसी भी सिविल सर्विस के अधिकारी के लिए अपने
आत्म-सम्मान, गरिमा और सत्यनिष्ठा के साथ काम करना बहुत मुश्किल हो गया है। मेरे लिए ऐसे कष्टदायक वातावरण में काम करना पूरी तरह से असंभव है और
मैं कोयला मंत्रालय के सचिव के उत्तरदायित्व से तुरंत मुक्त होना चाहता हूँ। मेरे
इस पत्र को स्वैच्छिक सेवानिवृत्ति के लिए मेरा प्रार्थना पत्र समझा जाए। इसकी
स्वीकृति होने तक मैं 9 अगस्त 2005 से अर्जित अवकाश पर जा रहा हूँ।’’
सांसदों का
रवैया दिन-प्रतिदिन बिगड़ता चला जा रहा है और वे अपने सामने सरकारी उपक्रमों अथवा
प्रशासनिक अधिकारियों को कुछ भी तवज्जह नहीँ देते। अपने क्षुद्र स्वार्थों की
पूर्ति नहीँ होने पर अपना प्रतिशोध निकालने के लिए घटिया भाषा का इस्तेमाल करते है
अथवा उन्हें ब्लैकमेल करते
17 अगस्त 2005 को मैं प्रधानमंत्री से मिला। मैंने उन्हें सांसदों द्वारा सरकारी उपक्रमों के वरिष्ठ
अधिकारियों एवं प्रशासनिक अधिकारियों के अपमान और प्रताड़ना के बारे में मैंने
विनम्रता पूर्वक प्रधानमंत्री से पूछा, "अगर सांसद भारत सरकार के सचिवों के साथ ऐसा
बर्ताव कर सकते है तो युवा जिला अधिकारियों के साथ कैसा व्यवहार
करते होंगे? अगर निर्वाचित जन प्रतिनिधि
ब्लैकमेल और डराने-धमकाने का काम करेंगे तो जिला अधिकारी किस तरह से निष्पक्ष और
सही ढंग से काम कर पाएंगे।’’
दुखी मन से प्रधानमंत्री ने कहा, ‘‘मुझे तो हर दिन ऐसी ही समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता
है। अगर मैं हर ऐसे मुद्दे पर त्याग-पत्र दे दूँ तो इससे
क्या राष्ट्रहित होगा?’’
मैंने प्रधानमंत्री की बात को बड़े ध्यान से सुना। उनके
चेहरे पर विवशता की रेखाएँ साफ नजर आ रही थी। हालांकि उनकी
व्यक्तिगत सत्यनिष्ठा पर कभी भी कोई उंगली नहीँ उठा सकता।किन्तु फिर
भी 2 जी और कोलगेट के घोटालों से उनकी छबि को काफी धक्का लगा। यदि वे अपने अधिकारों का दृढ़तापूर्वक प्रयोग
करते तो इस घोटाले में नहीं होते।
प्रधानमंत्री ने मेरे प्रश्न का कोई भी समाधान तो नहीँ दिया, मगर मुझे पूरी तरह से सहयोग करने का आश्वासन दिया और
मुझ पर अपना भरोसा जताया। उन्होंने मुझे सेवानिवृत्ति की याचिका वापस लेने की सलाह दी और अपनी तरफ से मेरे
सेवानिवृत होने तक पूरा-पूरा
सहयोग देने का आश्वासन दिया।
प्रधानमंत्री का आश्वासन पाकर मैंने उनकी सलाह मानते हुए 22 अगस्त 2005 को फिर
से ऑफिस संभाला (परिशिष्ट 18-11)। मगर मुझे साफ-साफ लगने लगा था कि कोल सेक्टर में
सुधार लाना आसान नहीँ है, क्योंकि प्रधानमंत्री की भी अपनी सीमाएं हैं।
संसदीय सलाहकार समिति की बैठक में हुई दुर्भाग्य-पूर्ण
घटना के तुरंत पश्चात श्री धर्मेन्द्र प्रधान ने अपने कदाचार को न्यायसंगत
ठहराते हुए प्रधानमंत्री को एक पत्र लिखा (परिशिष्ट 18-12)। जिसका
कोयला मंत्रालय के
मेमोरेण्डम द्वारा प्रधानमंत्री को
सटीक जवाब भेजा गया (परिशिष्ट 18-13)। श्री
प्रधान का यह पार्ट इस बात की झलक दिखाता है कि हमारे चुने हुए नेता कितने अनभिज्ञ, असंयमित एवं प्रतिशोध लेने वाले हो सकते है? श्री प्रधान ने मुझे सीआईएल
चेयरमैन के प्रेजेंटेशन को सेंसर नहीँ करने का दोषी
ठहराया। क्या उन्हें मालूम नहीँ था संसदीय सलाहकार समिति उन्मुक्त रूप से विचार विमर्श के लिए होती है और
उसमें हर अधिकारी को अपनी बात रखने की आजादी होनी चाहिए। मंत्री या सचिव को उन्हें अपने विचार रखने से रोकना नहीँ चाहिए। श्री प्रधान ने अपने बचाव में पंडित नेहरू के लोकतांत्रिक
समाजवाद का सहारा लिया, जिससे ना तो उनका, ना ही उनकी पार्टी बीजेपी का उससे कोई संबंध था। कितना मानते है बीजेपी के
नेता जवाहरलाल नेहरू को? मगर कांग्रेस का प्रधानमंत्री देख कर उसे प्रभावित
करने के लिए श्री प्रधान ने यह कदम उठाया। पुनर्स्थापन एवं पुनर्वास
नीति के मुद्दे पर अपने गुस्से को जायज ठहराने के लिए उन्होंने मेरे वक्तव्य को
तोड़-मरोड़ कर प्रस्तुत किया। उन्होंने सोचा शायद यही एक बहाना है,जिसके कारण वरिष्ठ प्रशासनिक अधिकारी को अपमानित
किया। सांसदों और विधायकों को यह समझना चाहिए कि संविधान उन्हें विशेषाधिकार सदन की गरिमा देखते हुए देता है। इसका
मतलब यह नहीँ है कि वे किसी के भी साथ दुर्व्यवहार करें या उन्हें अपमानित करें।
उनके दुर्व्यवहार और कदाचार से ना केवल उनकी छबि खराब होती है बल्कि सदन की छबि पर
भी आँच आती हैं।
The Secretary
Ministry of Coal,
Government of India,
Shastri Bhawan,
New Delhi
Sub : Impediments in functioning of BCCL imposed by Sri Chandra Sekhar Dubey, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Dhanbad
Dear Sir,
As highlighted through various communications in the past, all efforts to enhance coal production through use of hired HEMM in isolated patches made by BCCL is systematically resisted by Sri Chandra Sekhar Dubey, Hon’able MP of Dhanbad. Copies of the relevant news paper cuttings are enclosed at Annexure-I.
2. Use of hired HEMM for extraction of coal and OB from isolated patches is one of the key thrust areas identified and recommended for implementation in the Revival plan of the company with full support of all Trade unions. Adequate safeguard has been built in on the lines of the advise received from Solicitor General of India in an earlier similar case pertaining to Singareni Colleries Company Limited to ensure that no violation of Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act is involved. It is needless to state that BCCL is saddled with old equipment in its existing mines and is, therefore, not in a position to re-deploy any equipment for extraction of coal from such isolated patches including the coal on fire below the Dhanbad - Patherdih Railway line, otherwise prone to illegal mining. Implementation of the proposals contained in the Revival plan would have enhanced the production of BCCL by at least 2 m. tones- mostly coking coal- which would have enabled BCCL to mobilise around Rs. 200 crores annually. Contracts for this purpose have been awarded through a system of open tendering after due approval of the Board of Directors in all cases.
3. The Hon’able MP, however, has been resisting the implementation of these contracts not by any legal means but by sheer show of force and by threatening and intimidating the concerned contractors. The complaints of the contractors in this regard have been sent earlier, as may be seen from the Annexure-II.
4. However, the Hon’ble MP in his communication dated 27.09.2004 to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India objected to the use of hired machines for contractual removal of overburden coal cutting, transporting work etc. A detailed reply to the said letter was sent, vide my letter No. CMD:ES:F-2(A) : 04:550 dated 29/30th October, 2004-copy placed at Annexure-III.
5. In another instance, bonafide effort made by the Management to identify the unauthorised occupants of houses in the hull Township was frustrated by the Hon’ble MP when he decided to join hands with the agilators against a census being carried out for this purpose. The relevant newspaper cutting and the covering letter under which the same was sent to your kind self is enclosed at Annexure-IV.
6. In retrospect it may be seen that the Hon’ble MP has systematically frustrated all positive efforts made by the Management to increase coal production and the steps taken for getting back large number of company houses occupied by persons in an unauthorized manner. Besides, the hon’ble MP, within a few days of his being elected to the parliament, held a press conference at Dhanbad in which he accused the CMD of BCCL being a “ MAFIA DON”. This was communicated, vide my letter No. CMD-ES:F-2(A) : 04 :330 dated 14.06.2004 along with the relevant press cutting (copy enclosed as Annexure- V). Subsequently the Hon’ble MP. on a number of occasions, have accused the undersigned publicity of being” AGENT OF RSS”, AGENT OF BJP” etc.
7. I have not been able to comprehend the reasons for such behaviour on the part of the Hon’ble MP except for the fact that immidiately on being elected he had asked for a D type quarter in the BCCL Township which I had to polietely decline. In one of the closed door meetings, when Director (Technical) planning & projects and Director (personnel). BCCL were accompanying me, the Hon’ble MP stated that he will act personally against me as I have declined him the house which, in his opinion, is due to him by virtue of being the MP of the District. Incidentally the earlier MP, Mrs. Rita Varma, has been occupying a house in BCCL since long time which was occupied by her following the murder of her husband- late Randhir Varma, the then Superintendent of police. Dhanbad. She has since been issued a notice to vacate the accomodation at the earliest.
8. The stand adopted by the Hon’ble MP against allowing use of hierd HEMM in BCCL for producing coal and OB from isolated patches and /or carrying out census of its quarters to evict the unauthorized occupants will have the effect of dampening the efforts made by the Company for its Revival. Also without extra production from hired HEAM the company will not be in a position to meet even a part of the additional liability on account of NCWA-VII.
9. Under the circumstances the matter may have to be taken up at the highest possible level for appropriate action.
Ministry of Coal,
Government of India,
Shastri Bhawan,
New Delhi
Sub : Impediments in functioning of BCCL imposed by Sri Chandra Sekhar Dubey, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Dhanbad
Dear Sir,
As highlighted through various communications in the past, all efforts to enhance coal production through use of hired HEMM in isolated patches made by BCCL is systematically resisted by Sri Chandra Sekhar Dubey, Hon’able MP of Dhanbad. Copies of the relevant news paper cuttings are enclosed at Annexure-I.
2. Use of hired HEMM for extraction of coal and OB from isolated patches is one of the key thrust areas identified and recommended for implementation in the Revival plan of the company with full support of all Trade unions. Adequate safeguard has been built in on the lines of the advise received from Solicitor General of India in an earlier similar case pertaining to Singareni Colleries Company Limited to ensure that no violation of Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act is involved. It is needless to state that BCCL is saddled with old equipment in its existing mines and is, therefore, not in a position to re-deploy any equipment for extraction of coal from such isolated patches including the coal on fire below the Dhanbad - Patherdih Railway line, otherwise prone to illegal mining. Implementation of the proposals contained in the Revival plan would have enhanced the production of BCCL by at least 2 m. tones- mostly coking coal- which would have enabled BCCL to mobilise around Rs. 200 crores annually. Contracts for this purpose have been awarded through a system of open tendering after due approval of the Board of Directors in all cases.
3. The Hon’able MP, however, has been resisting the implementation of these contracts not by any legal means but by sheer show of force and by threatening and intimidating the concerned contractors. The complaints of the contractors in this regard have been sent earlier, as may be seen from the Annexure-II.
4. However, the Hon’ble MP in his communication dated 27.09.2004 to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India objected to the use of hired machines for contractual removal of overburden coal cutting, transporting work etc. A detailed reply to the said letter was sent, vide my letter No. CMD:ES:F-2(A) : 04:550 dated 29/30th October, 2004-copy placed at Annexure-III.
5. In another instance, bonafide effort made by the Management to identify the unauthorised occupants of houses in the hull Township was frustrated by the Hon’ble MP when he decided to join hands with the agilators against a census being carried out for this purpose. The relevant newspaper cutting and the covering letter under which the same was sent to your kind self is enclosed at Annexure-IV.
6. In retrospect it may be seen that the Hon’ble MP has systematically frustrated all positive efforts made by the Management to increase coal production and the steps taken for getting back large number of company houses occupied by persons in an unauthorized manner. Besides, the hon’ble MP, within a few days of his being elected to the parliament, held a press conference at Dhanbad in which he accused the CMD of BCCL being a “ MAFIA DON”. This was communicated, vide my letter No. CMD-ES:F-2(A) : 04 :330 dated 14.06.2004 along with the relevant press cutting (copy enclosed as Annexure- V). Subsequently the Hon’ble MP. on a number of occasions, have accused the undersigned publicity of being” AGENT OF RSS”, AGENT OF BJP” etc.
7. I have not been able to comprehend the reasons for such behaviour on the part of the Hon’ble MP except for the fact that immidiately on being elected he had asked for a D type quarter in the BCCL Township which I had to polietely decline. In one of the closed door meetings, when Director (Technical) planning & projects and Director (personnel). BCCL were accompanying me, the Hon’ble MP stated that he will act personally against me as I have declined him the house which, in his opinion, is due to him by virtue of being the MP of the District. Incidentally the earlier MP, Mrs. Rita Varma, has been occupying a house in BCCL since long time which was occupied by her following the murder of her husband- late Randhir Varma, the then Superintendent of police. Dhanbad. She has since been issued a notice to vacate the accomodation at the earliest.
8. The stand adopted by the Hon’ble MP against allowing use of hierd HEMM in BCCL for producing coal and OB from isolated patches and /or carrying out census of its quarters to evict the unauthorized occupants will have the effect of dampening the efforts made by the Company for its Revival. Also without extra production from hired HEAM the company will not be in a position to meet even a part of the additional liability on account of NCWA-VII.
9. Under the circumstances the matter may have to be taken up at the highest possible level for appropriate action.
Chairman / Mg. Director
Respected Sir,
I am taking an opportunity to highlight a facts which needs special intention and personal intervension for the official position misused by the Coal Secy, Govt of India. If such activities continues or repeated in future then there will a heavy loss to exchaquer for misuse of huge foreign exchange for his vested interest.
Since Shri P.C Parekh a Coal Secretary have been sanctined an official tour to attend Mine Expo-2004 for two different countries but superisignly be had extended his tour for four different countries including Switzerland for his personal transactions. If the senior official from the Govt. of India violates / misuses his official positions and the Govt.guidelines, Rules & Regulations then may not expect from the others to follow the govt. directives.
As your goodself is aware that coal indsustry is an impotant Dept. and back bone of our country for smooth running of the same the country needs a efficient and honest official rather than ignoring the manipulation or misuse of powers by the present Secy. of coal. I understand that there is a heavy manipulation on the following which needs a proper investigations :
1. Shri P.C Parekh was sanctioned a official tour for two different countries to attened MINE EXPO - 2004 but he has extended his tour and visited four more different countries (including Switzerland for up dating his transactions) which has caused heavy loss to the ex-chequer by utilising huge Foreign Exchange.
2. He has also exercised his full powers and manipulated for nominating two Govt. Diectors in CMPDI Board though the Govt. sanction was only for One Director.
3. The final approval of ACC for two nominees of Govt. in coal India Board has been reduced to one by Shri Parekh.
4. He was also liaisoing for sell of the profit making coal India Limited and hold personal meetings with the seeking bidders for number of times.
I shall be grateful if your goodself may immediate enquiry as stated above to curb the malpractices followed by Shri P.C Parekh from any of the independent authority preferably either by C.V.C or by Parliament Committe so that the truth be placed on the record.
With Kind Regards
Yours Faithfully
Dr. Manmohan Singh
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India,
New Delhi
Ack being put up separately
D.O. No. Secy / 11019/04 Dated: 6.12.04
Dear Shri Chaturvedi
Please find encloses a copy each of the letter addressed by Shri C.S. Dubey, Hon’ble member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) from Dhanbad to the Minister of state for Coal and Mines making serious allegations against me and the office note submitted to the Minister of State for Coal and Mines in respect of these allegations explaining actual facts.
2. I am constrained to point out the allegations made by Mr. Dubey are totally baseless and libellous in nature. He has alleged that I have visited “Switzerland for updating my personal transactions” implying thereby that either I have some bank account in a Swiss bank or I had indulged in some other illegal personal transactions. After taking over as Secretary, Department of Coal, I did not visit Switzerland at any time. It is therefore, not known on what basis Mr. Dubey has made these allegations. Since an Hon’ble Member of Parliament has made serious allegations against a Secretary to the Government of India, the matters needs to be taken up in all its seriousness and should be investigated at the earliest. In case the allegations are found to be false and baseless Mr. Dubey should be made to face all such legal consequences (criminal and civil) that should follow under the Indian Law for making false allegations.
3. It would be of some interest to give a small background of the reasons for Mr. Dubey’s ire. Soon after he got elected as a Member of Parliament, Mr. Dubey requested the CMD Bharat Coking Coal (BCCL) Sri P.S. Bhattacharya for allotment of one of the Company’s houses to him at Dhanbad. CMD, BCCL sought my informal advice on this and I advised him against it as it will frustrate CMD’s efforts for vacation of Company’s house which are in the illegal possession of outsiders. Years of mis-management, indifference, influence of mafia and complicityof officers of BCCL has led to hundreds of houses of the Company being occupied by outsiders. Mr. Dubey has been actively supporting the illegal occupants and frustrating the efforts of CMD, BCCL to get these houses vacated by illegal occupants. Keeping in mind the ground realities, allotment of a house to Mr. Dubey which he is not entitled to under Rules, would have strengthened the case of illegal occupants.
4. Incensed by the decision of CMD, BCCL not to allot the house. Mr. Dubey started a smear campaign against Sri Bhattacharya. Copies of some of the press cuttings of local newspapers, wherein Mr. Dubey has made serious allegations against Sri Bhattacharya are enclosed for your perusal. The utterances of Sri Dubey against Sri Bhattacharya are provocative and libelous.
5. At a recent Consultative Committee Meeting of the Ministry of Coal and Mines held on 23.11.04 Mr. Dubey’s utterances against me, to say least were offensive and insulting. This was on account of my pursuing outsourcing of coal in BCCL which is indispensable if BCCL has to be brought out of the red.
6. Baseless allegations leveled by Mr. Dubey do not enhance the dignity of either the office of the Member of Parliament or that of the Secretary to the Government of India.
7. The Prime Minister in recent address to the Secretaries to the Government of India, had emphasised the need for transparency, objectivity and morality in Public Administration and management of Public sector Undertakings. If senior officers of the Government and Executives of the Public Sector Undertakings are blackmailed, insulted, intimidated and maligned, by the elected representatives of people it will have deleterious impact on the morale of the Civil Servants and the Executives of the Public Sector Undertakings.
8. It is requested that the matter may be placed for consideration of Prime Minister and Speaker of Lok Shabha for such action as they deem fit.
Yours sincerely
Shri B.K. Chaturvedi,
Cabinet Secretary,
Government of India,
New Delhi
No. 7192/Secy(Coal) 21st June, 2005
Dear Shri Chaturvedi
Please find enclosed a copy of letter addressed by Shri V.K. Singh, Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Northern Coalfields Ltd., to Chairman Coal India Ltd. Shri Singh in his letter has referred to certain unreasonable demands made to him by Shri Narenda Kumar Kushwaha, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Badhohi Mirzapur Constituency of Uttar Pradesh.
2. Non-compliance of these demands seems to have prompted the Hon’ble Member of Parliament to make complain against Shri Singh. This is not a healthy state of affairs and may leads to demoralization of senior executives of PSUs.
3. This is for favour of your information and necessary action as you deem fit.
Best regards
Yours sincerely,
Encl: as above
Shri B.K. Chaturvedi,
Cabinet Secretary,
Cabinet Sectt.,
Rashtrapati Bhawan,
New Delhi.
July 8, 2005
Dear Sri Parakh,
The Commission has perused your letter and the communication from CMD, NCL. The commission has more than once noted that complaints even from such responsible person as Members of Parliament often knowingly or otherwise become instruments of pressure and harassment of honest officials both in Government and Public Sector. Complaints received in the Commission are always carefully examined with total objectivity irrespective of the stature of the complainant. This cannot always be said when such complaints are processed in the administrative Ministries/ Departments.In the commission’s view the solution lies in making the central Vigilance Commission the focal point to deal with all complaints against the officers of the Government and PSUs who come within the purview of the CVC as per the CVC Act. 2003. No independent action should be initiated by any department or Ministry without the complaint having been perused and examined for advice by the Commission. This would create the necessary buffer between honest officials and vested interests and pressure groups.
2. While the commission has been pursuing this seriously at various levels of Government, Secretaries to Government in important Ministries like you need to bring this up during discussions in the committee of Secretaries and see that an appropriate decision is taken. The point really is that Ministries/Departments should not exercise independent powers of examination of complaints and initiation of action thereon without reference to the Commission. I hope you will be able to do this in the interest of efficient functioning of PSUs under your control.
With regards.
Yours sincerely,
Shri P.C. Parakh
Ministry of Coal
Shastri Bhawan
New Delhi-110 011
D.O. No.Secy(Coal)/8.8.05 Dated : 08.08.05
Dear shri Chaturvedi,
Kindly refer to my D.O. letter dated 21st June, 2005 regarding motivated complaints against senior executives of Coal companies by the Members of Parliament. I had also brought this matter to the notice of the Central Vigilance Commissioner, for appropriate action.
2. Central Vigilance Commissioner vide his D. O. No. CVC/2005/87/1349 dated 8thJuly, 2005 has advised that the issue may be discussed at a meeting of committee of Secretaries. CVC has suggested that on complaints received against senior executives of PSUs no action should be taken by the Department/Ministry without the complaint having been first examined for advice by the Commission.
3. Suggestion made by the CVC may be only a partial solution to the problem as it may not prevent Members of Parliament from making motivated and false allegations against senior officers of Government or Public Sector Undertakings. There is a need for the government to create appropriate institutional arrangement to ensure that Members of Parliament are not able to misuse their privileged position to blackmail or intimidate senior officers of the Government and senior executives of public sector undertakings.
4. You may like to advise the Department of Personnel to prepare a suitable paper for discussion at COS.
with regards,
Yours sincerely,
Shri B.K. Chaturvedi,
Cabinet Secretary, Cabinet secretariat, New Delhi.
Copy to Shri P Shankar CVC New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Please find enclosed herewith a complaint eceived in PMO from Shri Furkan Ansari and Shri C.S Dubey, Member of parliament (Lok Sabha) against Shri R.P Ritola, CMD, Eastern Coal Field Ltd. alleging corrupt practices. The discrete inquary into the allegations is summerzied as under -
(i) Shri Ritola, CMD, CCL, has been holding additional change of CMD, ECL since February, 2005, when the post fell vacant due to the retirement of the than CMD, ECL Shri Abdul Kalam. Earlier, Shri Ritola worked as Director (Project and planning) at ECL H. qtrs and had earned a good reputation there. Enquire in the coal sector reveal that Shri Ritola has the reputation of being a sincere and dedicated person who is liked by his colleagues.
(ii) Shri Furkan Ansari MP had tried to get about 100 muslims of Jamatar area employeed in S.P Mines, Deoghar district. However, Shri Ritola did not oblige.
(iii) No work regarding costing of OBR (overburdens) has been undertaken in the Mugma area of ECL and the grading of coal as A, B, C or D is done by the ECL’s laboratry. Any alleged malpractices could not be confirmed.
(iv) As regards the allegation of rampant theft of coal taking place in the name of filling up the closed open cast project( OCP) in the Mugma area, enquries revealed that there are 12 collieries functioning in the area out of which 9 are underground and 3 are OCP. During 2000, 2 underground mines, Kapsara and Nisa collieries were closed due to safety reasons, however, no OCP has been closed in the area. As the 3 OCPs are currently producing coal, the prospect of filling these OCPs does not arise. On the contrary, the CGM, Mugma area office has sent a proposal to ECL Hqrs to open 4 new OCPs, by converting 2 of the closed underground mines (Nisa and Kapsara) and 2 other loss making underground mines, Hariana and Sajina, into OCPs.
(v) In so far as the allegation of payments being made to contractors in filling up OCPs in Bajna collieries, it is learnt that it is actually an underground colliery project. However, the existence of coal near the soil surface has led to extensive illegal mining from the surface. In order to curb this, the ECL has spent nearly Rs. 4.85 lakh towards payment to contractors for filling up to the exposed area. Further, in order to stop illegal mining alltogether, the ECL has drawn up a proposal for converting the loss making Bajna colliery into an open cast project. A proposal to this efect has been sent to CIL for approval.
vi) As regard the SP mines in Chitra Colliery, it is learnt that in February 2005, Shri Ritola transferred the GM and the Agent, who are responsible for the day to day running of the mines and brought in Shri N.K. Singh, GM and Shri B.K Singh, Agent, who are considered to be CMD’s men. In the recent past some excess payments are reported to have been made in respect of some civil work. However, the involvment of the CMD could not be substantiated.
I am desired to request that an appropriate reply may be sent to the Hon’ble Members of Parliament from Minister of State for Coal & Mines, and a copy may please be sent to this office.
With Regards
Yours Sincerely
Shri P.C Parakh
Department of Coal,
New Delhi
The Secretary to Govt. of India
Ministry of Coal
Shstri Bhawan
New Delhi
This is regarding transfer and posting of one Shri P.K Saha, SE(Exevn). He has been transfered from BCCL to MCL at the instance of Hon’ble Shri Anant Kumar MP and Chairman, Standing Committee of Parliament for coal & Steel. Shri Saha has already joined at MCL, HQ. In this connection, letter No. CMD, MCL dated 9th November, 2005 of CMD, MCL along with its enclosures (copy enclosed) may kindly be persued which indicate his organizational behaviour for his own benefit since begining.
This morning (09.11.2005) Hon’ble Shri Anant Kumar, Chairman, Standing Committee of Parliament for coal & steel telephoned me and enquired about the case of Shri P.K Saha, Supdt. Engr (Exevn) From what I could recall, I told him that Shri Saha had already been transfered to MCL. Hon’ble Shri Anant Kumar indicated to me that Shri Saha had to be posted at Kolkata Desk Office of MCL and instead of that he has beeen posted at Sambalpur, H.Q of MCL by CMD, MCL. and on being approached for placement at Kolkata Desk Office of MCL, the CMD, MCL, Shri A. Sharma had talked nastily to Shri Saha and threatened that be would not yield to political pressure and Shri Saha would not be transered to Kolkata Desk Office of MCL. In case he i.e CMD, MCL was further pressurized, the consequences would be bad for Shri Saha, political leaders need to understand that such pressures will not work.
Continuing further in the matter, Hon’able Shri Ananta Kumar told me that corrupted officials of CIL and MCL were doing all kinds of nonsencing things and not responding to the legitimate grievence of their officers. Such behaviour from CMD, CIL and CMD, MCL would not be tolerated by him (Hon’ble Shri Ananta Kumar) and his party i.e BJP would see to it that CMD, CIL and CMD, MCL realize their mistake and understand the value of the political leadership. He told that I would regret the day when Shri Saha’s request was not acceded to and in the remaining ten months he would teach me a lesson and I would repent my action. While maintaining my calm I requested him that he should comes out of his agitated state of mind so that I could understand and appreiciate the problem to arrive at a logical conclusion but he did not agree to listen to me. He agreed that he was agitated and indicated that the reasons of his agitation lay in the irresponsible behaviours of CMD, CIL and CMD, MCL. I once again tried to assure him that the matter would be looked into and in case any action was required to be taken the same would be taken. But he said “enough is enough” and now I have to pay for my alleged mis-dismeanour. The conversation took place telephonically while I was busy in holding CMDs meeting. I thereafter requested Shri A. Sharma, CMD, MCL to clarify the matter. Shri Sharma told that Shri Saha had approached him for this transfer to MCL Desk Office, Kolkata and in view of his request Shri Sharma had agreed to such plaement for a period of 5 months upto March, 2006. But this was not acceptable to Shri Saha who wanted it for a period of at least 2 years.
In view of the above it may kindly be noted that Shri P.K Saha S.E (Exevn) is in the habit of puttings pressure through different persons giving false statements regardings family, which is obvious from the enquiries and remarks of Shri APVN Sharma, CVO, MOC and Shri RAP Singh, the then Director (Personnel), CIL. A brief case history of Shri P.K Saha, SE(Exevn) is enclosed herewith.
This is for your Kind Information
Encl : as above
Annexure 18-IX
No. 177788 / SecyO / 2005
Placed below is a letter received from Chairman, CIL along with enclosures about telephone conversation between him and Shri Ananth Kumar. Hon’ble Member of Parliament and Chairman of the standing Committee of Parliament on the coal and steel.
2. Shri Ananth Kumar has threatened him for not complying with his request to transfer Shri P.K Saha an Excavation Engineert in MCL to Kolkata. Shri Saha is an Excavation Engineer and his services should be normally utilised at mine site. In stead of working in operational areas, Shri Saha has spent long years at Kolkata either by misusing the legal process by getting court orders or by bringing political pressure on the management of CIL.
3. The action of CMD, MCL in having posted Shri Saha at Company’s headquarters at Sambalpur after he has worked for several years in Kolkata cannot be found fault with. There is hardly any work for an Excavation Engineer at Kolkata office and there is no justification for retaining him at Kolkata as desired by Shri Ananth Kumar.
4. Intimadating and threatning language used by Shri Ananth Kumar against Chairman, CIL is not expected from a person of his standing who has been a member of the Union Council of Ministers and is currently Chairman of the standing Committee of the Ministries of coal and Steel.
5. Government’s efforts at providing good governance cannot succeed unless political leadership creates an environment in which senior civil servants and executives of public sector units can act professionally, independently and impartially in the best interests of their respective organizations. If the position of chief executives of public sector unertakings is undermined by senior political leaders of the country, it can only encourage indiscipline and harm the interest of PSUs
6. Submitted for favoutr of information and such action as P.M, & M(Coal) consider approiatre and necessary
Secreatry Coal
D.O No. Secy (Coal) 08.08.2005 Dt. 08.08.05
Kindly refer to my D.O letter No. Secy. 012019/04 dated 08.12.04 wherein I had requested you to bring to the notice of the speaker of the Lok Sabha certain facts regarding conduct of Members of Parliament vis-s-vis civil servants that can have serious negative effect on the morale of civil services. I am not aware if the Hon’ble Speaker took any action on the concern expressed by me.
Conduct of Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Hon’ble Member of Parliament from Orissa at the Consultative Committee meeting of the Ministry of Coal held on Friday the 5th of August 2005 leaves me in little doubt that we have descended to such low levels in working of our parliamentary democracy that it is becoming increasingly difficult for the civil servants to function with self respect, dignity and professional integrity.
I feel it impossible to function in such a vicious environment and would like to be immediately relieved of my responsibilities as Secretary (Coal). This letter may be treated as my request for voluntary retirement. Pending approval of my request I am proceeding on earned leave with effect from the 5th August 2005.
Yours Sincerely
Shri B.K Chaturvedi
Cabinet Secretary
Cabinet Secretriat
New Delhi
Copy to (1) MOS ( C&M), New Delhi
(2) Shri T.K.A Nair Principal Secretary to PM.
D.O No. Secy(Coal) 22.08.05 Dated 22.08.05
Dear Sri Chaturvedi
Kindly refer to my D.O letter No Secy (Coal) 08.08.05 dated 08.08.05 wherein I had applied for voluntary retirement and requested for sanctiom of earned leave with effect from the 9th August. I had to take this step in view of insulting and derogatory language used by Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Member of Parliament at the Consultive Committee meeting.
In order to express my anguish and concern that such conduct on the part of Member of Parliament can leave on the morale of civil service and senior executives of public sector corporations, I had sought for and had a meeting with the Hon’ble Prime Minister on the 17th August. The Prime Minister expressed his regret at what transpired at the Consecutive Committee meeting and advised me not to press for the premature retirement.
While confirming his full confidence in me the Prime Minister also offered to address Officers of Coal Ministry and Coal India Limited to reassure them of his confidence and support. This gesture on the part of the Prime Minister will definitely help restore morale of my Officers, which was completely shattered due to unfortunate incident of the 5th August.
I am grateful to the Prime Minister for the confidence and support. In the light of facts stated above, I am withdrawing my request for premature retirement.
I have resumed office with effect from the forenoon of 22.08.05.
Yours Sincerly
Shri B.K Chaturvedi,
Cabinet Secretary, Cabinet Secretariate
Cabinet Secretary, Cabinet Secretariate
Copy to : 1. MOS (C & M)
2. Shri T.K.A Nair, Principal Secretary to PM
3. Joint Secretary Admn MDC
D.O. No. MP (LS)/ DGH / 05 August 28, 2005
Respected Sir,
This has reference to the procedings of the consultative Committee of the parliament of the Ministry of Coal held on 05.08.2005 wherein the subject of Coal India and its global competitiveness was undr discussion. I would like to bring to your kind attention certain aspects of the said proceedings, which need to be addressed on an urgent basis.
a) In this presentation of the subject of making Coal India globally competitive, the Chairman of Coal India stated, inter-alia, that the CAG/CVC/CBI and the social objectives of the states are impediments to their functional autonomy. Slide 29 of the said presentation (Copy enclosed) is under reference in this regard. As Hon’ble Prime Minister is aware, the social objective of the state is the cardinal principle of planned economic development, which India has adopted since independence. In fact, the Nehruvian model of democratic socialism which the present government subscribes to is premised upon two basic objectives of growth and social justice. Public Sector Undertakings, which have been set up to fulfil the socialist objective of the constitution, are mandated to subscribe to these fundamental principles. Consideration of the social objectives as an obstacle to their functional autonomy by Coal India is something which questions the very basics of our developmental model, and is, therefore, sacrilegious. This is a serious matter, which arouses our sensivity and sharp reaction. It is unbecoming of Coal India to make such a statement before the Committee and it is unfortunate that the concerned department of the Government allowed this presentation to be made, which is derogatory to the basic values and principles of our constitutional system. Further, CAG is a constitutional authority who is mandated to play its role as a guardian of the public purse. Therefore, CAG is having jurisdiction over of Governmenmt Department/ Ministres and other Bodies like PSUs. To consider the CAG’s and the CVC’s jursdiction as obstacle to Coal India’s autonomy is to question the role and status of the constitutional authorities. Such irresponsible statements made by the department and its PSU i.e Coal India before a Parliamentary Comittee, Hon’ble PM will agree have grave implications for the state apparatus as well as for the time honoured public policies.
b) Further, during the proceedings of the Consultative Committee, Secretary, Coal made certain statements in regard to the Action Taken Report on the previous proceedings, which are contradicted by the facts. One such statement was that in Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL), R & R policy of the Govt. of Orissa is being implemented. Such a statement is far from truth and is misleading and amounts to misinformation to the Committee which is an august body of Parliament. The fact of the matter is that while the R & R policy of Govt. of Orissa is to provide employment to the land oustees for their rehabilitation, MCL has not provided any job in the last eight months to the land oustees and the claimants are more than 10,000. On the other hand, MCL, in their latest tender notice (copy enclosed) for three newly sanctioned projects, has indicated outsourcing of man power and machines. In the light of these facts, the undersigned as the member of Committee contradicted the statement of the Secretary, Department of Coal and pointed out that the statement amounted to misinformation. The Secretary’s grievances that he was offended and humiliated should not make us miss-out the substance of the matter, which is presentation of misinformation before the committee and attempt to mislead the members. Hon’ble prime minister may kindly appriciate that such an act of the part of no less a person than the Secretary to the Deptt. of Coal amounts to breach of privilege of the committee and its members. In this regard it is pertinent to mention that in a Parliamentary system like ours, the ultimate responsibility to the people on any issue lies with the Members of Parliament, who are representatives of the people. The adminstartive authority must discharge their desired role of assisting the political executive in fulfilments of its responsibility to the people. Futher, the parliamentary system is based upon the principle of responsibility of executive to the legislature. In this case the Adminstrative Head of the department i.e the Secretary, who is the part of the executive organ of the government, provides misleading information to the Parliamentary Committee which is a body of legislature. Such act will certainly erode the fundamentals of the parliamentary system and executive responsibility to legislature.
These are issues of deep concern having a bearing upon the well established practices of Parliamentary system and the constitutional arrangement made for the purpose. Therefore, with all humility at my command, I appeal before the Hon’ble Prime Minister to address the real substance of the matter, which is the central issue, rather than personal issues raised by the Secretary, Department of Coal, which are peripheral in nature.
With regards
Yours Sincerely
(Dharmendra Pradhan)
Dr. Manmohan Singh
Hon’ble Prime minister
Govt of India, New Delhi.
Annexure 18-XIII
No. 54012/4/2005-CA-II
Ministry of Coal
Government of India
New Delhi, The 21st October, 2005
Sub : Reference from PMO forwarding a copy of the letter dated 28/08/05 written by Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, MP regarding the proceedings of the consultative Committee meeting held on 05.08.2005.
The undersigned is directed to refer to PMO endorsement No. 200/31/C/83/2005-CS1 dated 09.08.2005 on the above subject and to state that the meeting of the Consultative Committee of the Ministry of Coal was held on 05.08.2005 with the agenda “Making Coal India Globally Competitive”. The minutes of the meeting have not yet been circulated. However, the position is clarified as follows :
1. Presentation by Chairman, CIL
i) During the course of the meeting, the Chairman of the Committee invited the Chairman, CIL to make a presentation to the Committee, as a prelude to initiating discussion and inviting suggestions from the members of the Committee on the subject matter chosen for agenda.
ii) The chairman, CIL made a detailed presentation wherein he carried out a comprehensive analysis of emergence of CIL as a leader in coal industry, industry environment in the country, growth in coal production, technology adoption, cost of production, comparative study of performance of Indian Coal Industry vis-a-vis international trends, challenges and opportunities posed by international competition, major strength and constraints in becoming globally competitive, efforts needed to be made by CIL, changes required in policy regimes and administrative framework etc.
iii) The presentation was in the nature of a SWOT analysis, wherein the chief executive of a public sector enterprise had sought to present, in a candid and transparent manner, the global business environment where its likely competitors seem to enjoy strategic advantages in terms of managerial practices. The Chairman, CIL, dwelt at length on several other issues such as capacity building, capacity utilization, quality improvement, efficient, utilization of manpower and resources, likely scenario and steps required to be taken to effectively implement the mandate given to Coal India Limited in order to promote the energy security of the country. The thrust of the presentation was on securing qualitative improvement in the functioning of CIL.
iv) While discussing the major constraints before CIL, the Chairman, CIL had sought to underline various factors such as legacy of the past, poor quality of indigenous equipments/ spare parts, low utilization of HEMM, Socio-Economic and Socio-Cultural factors, administrative and policy related issues etc, that might prove to be a handicap for the company in facing global competition. It was in that context that the Chairman, CIL pointed out that being a public sector enterprise (PSE), CIL was subject to the superintendence, regulation and control of various constitutional and statutory authorities such as C&AG, CVC, CBI etc. This mandates adoptions of practices and procedure that impose some limitation on the decision making processes. A PSE is also expected to subserve the Socio-Economic policy objectives of the Government, and to that extent, their decision are not always guided or governed by purely commercial considerations. These remarks were meant to present an analysis of the strategic business environment in the public sector, which is not unique to CIL alone.
v) The Chairman, CIL had categorically clarified in the meeting itself that CIL was not seeking to exempt itself from the existing system of administrative or legislative scrutiny. He was only trying to make a realistic assessment of its strength and constraints, so that limitation in CIL becoming globally competitive are clearly understood by the Members of Parliament.
vi) It may be mentioned that various committees set up by the Government, including the recent Sengupta Committee, have recommended grant of greater functional autonomy to PSEs in the context of the changed liberlized economic environment, and the Central Government has taken many initiative recently in this regard. There was nothing in the presentation of Chairman, CIL which can be called derogatory to the basic principle of our constitutional system or sacrilegious. The Consultative Committee of Parliament is meant for a free and frank discussion and Chairman, CIL has full right to express his views and need not be constrained by the views of the Secretary or the Minister. There is, therefore, no reason as to why either Secretary or MOS (C&M) should have restrained Chairman, CIL from expressing his views candidly.
2. R&R Policy
i) The Hon’ble Member (Shri D. Pradhan), during his intervention, stated that the Secretary (Coal) had made public statements on R&R Policy of CIL during his recent visit to Orissa, after his meetings with the Chief Minister and the Chief Secretary of the state. The Chairman, Consultative Committee had asked Secretary (Coal) to clarify the position.
ii) Secretary (Coal) stated that during his discussion with the Chief Minister as well as the Chief Secretary of Orissa, he had highlighted the policy approach followed by CIL in regards to resettlement and rehabilitation. CIL has an R&R Policy that provides for employment to land oustees subject to availability of vacancies, and actual need for additional manpower. In case employment can not be given, cash compensation is given in lieu of employment. He stated that in a large number of projects, lands were acquired and employment provided by the Coal companies in contravention of the provisions of the R&R policy, CCL, BCCL and ECL, in particular, continue to provide employment even though they already had surplus manpower. Adequate monetary compensation is given for land as well as rehabilitation of land losers. Over and above that if employment is to be given to people who can not be gainfully employed by the coal companies, it would be impossible for CIL to become globally competitive. The coal companies would, however, continue to provide employment to the land oustees to the extend feasible and permitted under the provisions of the R & R policy of CIL. The Secretary (Coal) informed that his contention was appreciated by the Chief Minister and the Chief Secretary of Orissa. They also mentioned that they were reviewing the state R & R policy.
iii) There was no misinformation in the statement of Secretary (Coal). He clearly stated what was discussed by him with the Chief Secretary and the Chief Minister of Orissa. There was nothing in the statement of the Secretary that can be termed ‘misinformation’ or ‘misleading’.
iv) If the Hon’ble Member felt that statement of Secretary (Coal) amounted to breachs of ‘privilege of the Committee’, he had full right to take up the matter with the Privilege, Committee of the House. But, he had no right to use insulting language against the Secretary. We are democracy and every citizen, which includes civil servants of all ranks, have a right to live with dignity and self respect. Our constitution does not give any right to Members of Parliament to insult its citizens or use derogatory language against them. Infact, the Hon’ble Member is guilty of breach or privilege of the house, by conducting himself in a manner unbecoming of a Member of the August House. Members of Parliament occupy very important position in our constitutional democracy and are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and decorum expected of such high offices. The Government and the Speaker of Loksabha should take note of this so that such unfortunate incidents do not happen in future.
v) It is unfortunate that the Hon’ble Member does not place any value on self respect and dignity of fellow citizens. Instead of expressing regret for the unbecoming conduct, he is trying to justify his conduct on totally untennable grounds.
This has the approval of the Secretary (Coal)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
The Prime Minister Office
(Kind attention Shri KV Pratap, Deputy Secretary)
South Block, New Delhi
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